Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When one door closes, a window opens

I became a kitty foster mom April 10, 2008.  I had lost my own cats the year before and didn't want to have any more cats of my own, but I still wanted them in my life.  Thus a door that closed, opened a window.

 Josie and her five baby boys were the first little family to come into my home.  

Josie was a beautiful silver tuxedo with green eyes and a teeny "mew mew" of a voice.  She had been abused by her former owner, her fangs had been filed down.  The reason for this was and still is unclear however it is believed that her owners had intended to use her as bait for dog fighting.  Short fangs interfered with her ability to pick up her babies and when she failed an attempt to pick them up, she always looked at me for help.  

Josie is a very sweet cat, no matter what medicines I had to give her she never tried to bite or scratch me. Apprehensive about being held, by the time she was adopted she had grown to love attention.

Josie was eventually adopted by a little girl who had just turned 9 years old.  For her birthday, her mom took her to get a kitty.  It was Josie she fell in love with.  Incidentally, the little girl's name was also Josie.

Josie's five sons were only 10 days old when they arrived with her.  I eventually named them: Teddy Roosevelt, Sherlock Holmes, Henry Thoreau, T.S. Elliot, and Rhett Butler.

Of her family, Josie was the first to receive a lasting forever home, but not the last. Read future postings to learn their stories.

1 comment:

annie said...

Wow, I'm so glad all those babies and their mom got adopted out! I can't believe someone was abusing Josie. That makes me sick. :( They're so lucky they found you!

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