Friday, December 26, 2008

Forest Gump - Elf Magic

Forest Gump's only job for X-mas was to enjoy all the paper, smells, and to make people smile. He did it quite well.


annie said...

He's the cutest thing! If we didn't already have 3, I'd so want to keep the whole family together!

I hope you (and he!) had a very Merry Christmas.

Within Purring Hurricanes said...

:-) I know what you mean, but even so, from the very start- they liked each other best, and even Rhett better than Forest... they really didn't pay that much attention to him. So I think this is for the very best. They have each other, their wonderful older brother Timmy, and 2 humans all to themselves.

I love how that just seems to work out- where each kitty goes to a home that fits them, their needs and personality... just perfectly. Forest's adoption is to be held Monday night :-).

The home visit went well and I think he'll be very happy there. He'll be living with a 8 year old cockeepoo (extremely sweet and I can already see that they'll be bonded friends in no time at all), a 6 year old brown tabby (she's very shy, I doubt they'll interact much), and the couple is close to being around retirement age. She only works every other day for 4-5 hours as a high school teacher. She loves animals and has a lot of experience with special needs and has no problem with his needs. They have a HUGE house- he'll have his very own suite of rooms... I think he'll do quite well- he'll get lots of attention and care, a new friend, entertainment, and love.

I'm so happy and excited for him!

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