Monday, January 19, 2009

Forest Has an Internal Medicine Specialist Now

Forest had his first visit with his Internal Medicine Specialist.  It went very well in the Vet listened to his history and explained very well what types of issues Forest may have with his internal development.  We got an X-ray and had a full panel of blood work done.  X-ray shows no physical abnormalities with Forest's organs (this includes the other vet's idea of a diaphramic hernia).   In addition to looking at a wide range of values to check organ functions, Forest's blood is being tested for Dwarfism markers.

It will take some time for the blood work to come back from the lab, Forest's specialist will use that information to decide on the next step for figuring out why Forest is the way he is and if there are any ways to treat him.  Before we left, the specialist said we've done the right things with Forest and to continue with what we're doing.  Our visit was 2 hours long.

Incidentally, Forest weighs 3.2 lbs.


annie said...

Poor Forest. I'm so glad to hear he has normal organ development, though! I can't believe he's just 3.2 pounds. I'm thinking it's good his sister and brother left him when they did. When we took them to get spayed and neutered last week, they weighed 7 and 9 pounds respectively!

They are sending their brother happy kitty thoughts.

Within Purring Hurricanes said...

Wow! They are that big now? That's eye opening!

Poor babes- I hope they're recovering well.

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