Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Fatter & Healthier Forest Gump

Little Forest is still teeny-tiny, but most days he gets a tad fatter. Or if he's "lost weight," his average weight is still either constant or growing.

This is not to say that he doesn't have his bad days, because he does. He's still a picky eater and is prone to throwing up. He's still being fed 4 times a day. Today, the scale registered his weight as 3.8 lbs. 

This "high" weight was a very happy surprise and shows me that I'm right in that he can still continue to improve... and he is just "slow" at growing physically and mentally.

The photo above show how nicely "fat" Forest is getting. His fur is filling out nicely, with how fluffy it is becoming, it hides the appearance of his true (low) weight and size.

And this last photograph shows much older Forest is starting to look... he looks a little less like a kitten and more like a young adult cat (which he sort of is). I say sort of, because I measure time a lot slower with this little boy. It took him months to learn things his brother and sister picked up in the 8 some weeks I had them. It took half a year for him to learn how to clean his face. So I do believe that I measure age and time for Forest differently than I would for any other cat. I just hope that this translates to him having a long life.

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