Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hat Gear

Hat gear for Forest.  He didn't fit in this at Halloween, so now that his head is the right size, he's making up for lost time.

I rather like the horns and was amazed at how fine he was about something being strapped to his head.  You can see from the chin strap that even though the hat fits, it is still a tad large for him, but that's okay since it gives his ears more room to twirl about.

Sometimes you just can't pass up things in the dollar bin at Target.  Forest in his little horn covered hat sure made me smile.  Especially when he was playing with it on and "rushing" towards a toy like a little rhino.


annie said...

He is WAY too cute! His little face looks so much like Max's.

Anonymous said...

This is Tuffy, Paws and Minght's mom. Forrest is so cute in the hat! I hope he is enjoying his tunnel and tower!

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