Friday, May 11, 2012

Sanouk and Chico/Colby

It has been a year since Forest Gump died.  And in that year, much has happened.

Sanouk has turned 2 and is officially an adult cat.  He's a pudgy, darling of a cat.  Just as sweet as can be and is so friendly and involved in your life... that everyone wants to take him home.

For a long while, Sanouk moped around because he was missing Forest Gump.  He would open cupboards to try and find him.  And sleep where he used to sleep, whether it was a bin in a closet or a stack of towels that had just been folded and put away.

After awhile, I came realize that he needed a friend and that I needed another friend.  So, I met cats all over Maryland and Virginia and eventually brought one home.  He was a 3 month old flame point siamese with just the best personality.  Unfortunately, as much as Sanouk enjoyed having someone to play with, he got snooty about interacting with people and the new cat.  He disliked how the new cat liked all of his toys and that he now had to share everything.

Sanouk also disliked the kitten's litterbox habits.  The kitten had chronic urinary tract infections and needed to see a vet on a daily basis.  Being sick, myself. I could handle the amount of work he needed for getting well again.  I chose to return him to the rescue and after 2 months of daily special care, he was well enough to find another forever home.  It was a hard thing to do, but the right thing to do.

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