Friday, January 2, 2009

Forest's Record Breaking Adoption & Return

Little Forest Gump and I had quite an adventure  this week.  

Saturday we did a home visit where I spent 2 hours talking with his new potential family.  They said they really wanted him as a part of their life and they were okay with his special needs since all of their animals are special needs.  I exchanged lots of emails to help prepare them for caring for him and integrating him into their lives.  Forest was adopted Monday night.  

Tuesday morning I learned that they had taken him to the vet and why hadn't I told them he was a special needs cat?  They said they were not willing to live with him just the way he is.  

Tuesday evening Forest was back at home with me.  After talking with the vet more, the couple said that the vet believes that forest has a congenital diaphragmic hernia.  The surgeon they found said that it would cost 2,400 to repair if that's really what he has.  He is too little to x-ray and so little that surgeries have a lower success rate and higher probability of death.  The vet performed no tests and said that he could very well be healthy/fine.

1 comment:

annie said...

That is TERRIBLE! I am so sorry for you and Forest. Poor little guy. I really hope he doesn't have the hernia. And what's with those people?! It sounds like they're completely clueless.

So sorry all around.

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